Friday 31st July 2020

First job for today was to go to the Old Vicarage. (Oh no, as I am writing this Belle has farted, peoow 😵). I collected some salvia cuttings and had a chat with Sean, the gardener. Then I was invited next door with Sean to Liz and Mike for coffee. Had to be speedy as also due at Lister's for coffee! Had cool sparkling elderflower and chocolate cake. Scrumdidlyumptious.
The temperature reached 37C in the porch so less energy for gardening. Spent some time in the hammock 😎.
Martin is on church opening and closing duty this week so church warden's dog has gone too.
Food today was home grown tomatoes and lettuce for lunch, splendiferous, and home grown courgettes and mange tout with sossies for supper, tasty.
I love the font on this blog, I wonder if my post will automatically default to that.


  1. It will default to that! Believe it or not!
    By Josh


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